It is now one year since the last blog on foliar feeding (check out that blog from last year) and a lot has been going on through out the world. There are some things in short supply, especially in the tech field. Commodity prices have the experts baffled. And...
Virtual Plot Tour Info – John Viertel
Sep 16, 2020
I was invited to attend a Virtual Plot Tour that was put on by FMC last week. They were talking about herbicide trials and showing how the different treatments were working. What I was really interested in was the new fungicide Xyway 3D and Xyway LFR. This new...
What is a Devastator? – John Viertel
Aug 12, 2020
YETTER 5000 STALK DEVASTATORS It's almost the middle of August! Since I wrote this Monday morning, a huge portion of the Midwest was hit by the very powerful “derecho.” After getting out yesterday, it looks like most of central MO was spared except for some flash...
Elist Speckling & Drooping – E 3 Beans – John Viertel
Jul 7, 2020
Last week was interesting, as I started to get calls and texts about what was going on with the E 3 beans that were being burned by the herbicide. One call wanted to know if the Landoil was causing the problem. The other, the custom sprayer had not cleaned his sprayer...
Foliar Feeding.. Why do it? – John Viertel
May 8, 2020
Planting has been going pretty smoothly all over the state of Missouri, with a lot of the corn in the ground (emergence looks pretty good) and soybeans are going in now. So now, the focus is going to be finishing planting corn and getting the rest of the...
Effects of an Early Season Frost – Derek Porter
May 8, 2020
Effects of an Early Season Frost With temperatures dipping down to the freezing mark and lower Friday night to early Saturday, I thought it would be good to cover the potential effects of a frost on this 2020 crop. Both corn and soybeans should be able...
Planting 2020, Missouri – John Viertel
Apr 24, 2020
Well, here it is planting season 2020, and this is only my second blog of the year. With all that is going on in the world, I hope that you and your family(s) are well! What has been going on the past few weeks? Some have had to stay home. For essential...
Missouri Update – John Viertel
Feb 25, 2020
As we go into March, I am sure most of you will agree that it is wet across the Mid-West. We talked to producers from several states at the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, two weeks ago, and they agreed. I have also been talking to cattle producers...
2020 Herbicide Programs
Dec 12, 2019
2019 is finally coming to an end! There were many challenges this year for a lot of us, but I am not going to dwell on those. Instead, let’s think about 2020! One of the comments which I have heard from many of you last summer and this fall has been, “Can I use...
Follow-Up on Rogue VT Job in Missouri – John Viertel
Nov 18, 2019
As the snow melted on November 14, I was able to get these pictures from the field where the Rogue VT® worked 20 acres in the same field that was being worked with an Aerway/Remlinger harrow. Wheat was drilled behind both machines. The photo on the right was run...
Rolled Cereal Rye Update from Missouri – John Viertel
Oct 30, 2019
October 21, 2019 Harvest in the “Rolled” Cereal Rye Field Notice the amount of residue still covering the ground Clean field with just one herbicide and Foliar Opp® application Rolled Cereal Rye Update from Missouri Last week we started the soybean harvest in...
Harvest Update from Missouri – John Viertel
Oct 30, 2019
October 14, 2019 Harvest Update from Missouri Corn harvest has been going on for several weeks now, and we have heard of some pretty average yields, along with some pretty good yields. Soybean harvest is getting started, but the rain that we had last week has slowed...
Nutrient Recycle Program – John Viertel
Sep 12, 2019
NUTRIENT RECYCLE PROGRAM: I have been catching up on my emails this week and I am wondering if everybody gets as many promotions for different things as I do. The one that caught my attention this morning was about a product that will break down the residue after...
Clean Bean Field! – John Viertel
Aug 22, 2019
On Tuesday, August 20, my brother asked me to get in his pickup with him to go look at some of his soybeans. This is one of the fields where we rolled down the cereal rye with the Rogue VT®. It has been mentioned here in several blogs, and if you remember, it...
Soil Temps in Soybeans – John Viertel
Aug 5, 2019
On Saturday, July 20, 2019, I put my Soil Thermometer in the pickup, and I was on a mission to check the soil temps in a couple fields of no till soybeans. First, this at 11 a.m. and I took the readings at a depth of about 3.5 to 4 inches. The air temperature on my...
Rolled Cereal Rye Field on 7/16/19 – John Viertel
Jul 30, 2019
Rolled Cereal Rye field on July 16, 2019 This is a general picture of the Rolled Cereal Rye field that we rolled and planted on June 4. There were no herbicides applied before or after planting. We depended on the mat of residue to help hold down the weeds until it...
Rogue VT at work in Missouri – John Viertel
Jul 23, 2019
On July 18, 2019, we moved the 15-foot Rogue VT® to Lebanon for a rental. Had some weed pressure (Marestail that round up did not kill). This field was going to take two passes to get in shape to plant, but it was doing a great job! The customer is probably going to...
Rolled Rye Field Update – John Viertel
Jun 26, 2019
Went to the rolled rye field on Tuesday (June 24), three weeks from the day we rolled and planted the soybeans. Like everyone that I have talked to, the beans are growing slowly. We need some sunshine and warm temps. As seen in the picture there is very little weed...
Missouri Update – John Viertel
Jun 17, 2019
Ten days after rolling this cereal rye field and planting directly into it, this is what it looks like. You can row the beans and virtually all the cereal rye is dead. The Rogue VT® did an excellent job terminating it! NO burn down herbicide was used. The plan...
Crop Progress in Central Illinois – Derek Porter
Jun 14, 2019
What a difference last week made in the planting progress here in Central Illinois and across many areas of the corn belt. Much of the corn in my area has been planted with a slug of beans being put in the ground much of last week through this week. Unfortunately,...
Foliar Opp Beans, Corn, & Sugar E-Boost – John Viertel
Jun 13, 2019
Middle of June already! In the last week I have seen corn finished being planted and beans going in the ground at a very brisk pace. There are going to be a lot of decisions made in the next two weeks of how to manage these late crops. The biggest decision is going to...
Rogue VT Demo in Missouri – John Viertel
Jun 7, 2019
Rogue VT in Pasture – John Viertel
Jun 7, 2019
Rogue VT on Cereal Rye – John Viertel
Jun 6, 2019
Got into the field again on June 4 to plant beans. This field had been in corn last year, with a cereal rye cover planted right after harvest. Since we were getting a lot of rain the second half of May, there was a delay of three weeks to get the cover crop rolled and...
Starter vs. No Starter – June 1, 2019 – John Viertel
Jun 5, 2019
It’s been said that a “picture is worth a thousand words”. Really don’t have to say anything else with this picture! This is from the no till field that I wrote about back on April 25. It was planted into following a burn down of a cereal rye cover crop. We did plant...
Rogue VT in Central MO – John Viertel
May 22, 2019
On May 16, we got the Rogue VT® down to central Missouri, serviced and hooked up ready to go to the field. Before heading to the field to go to corn on Friday, we decided to go out in our pasture and see how it would do. Talk about VERSATILITY of a true vertical...
Assessing Corn Emergence – Derek Porter
May 20, 2019
I spent last week out in the field assessing corn emergence. The warm weather we finally received last week really helped corn jump out of the ground. However, uneven emergence due to the cool wet conditions over the last 2 weeks was evident in most fields I was in....
Wheat in the MO Soil Health Study Field
May 10, 2019
Cold and dreary Thursday morning, but I decided to look at the wheat in the Soil Health Study Field. Very wet and soggy, with conditions ripe for wheat diseases to be in the crop. This field is just heading out and in just a day or so of sunshine and warmer weather,...
Rogue VT Demo Video (3)
May 9, 2019
Rogue VT Demo Video (2)
May 9, 2019