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Delayed Planting- Should You Switch to an Earlier Maturing Corn Hybrid?

The beginning of May finds most of the Midwest lagging behind in corn planting as wet weather continues to inundate much of the area. Even though planting is behind our normal progress, it’s important not to panic and make drastic decisions based on emotion. One of...

Update – MO Plot

Here we are no tilling, into a killed cover crop, a CROP CHOICE fertilizer plot on April 25. Notice the dark clouds to the west? We did have a shower and had to quit for the day right after we got done with the plot. We finished the field the next day. This is going...

Missouri Rogue Update

Finally got into the field with the 15’ Rogue VT® on last week before it rained. My coworker Derek Porter was coming back from a Kansas delivery, and was able to stop to help me evaluate the job it was doing (which I thought was fantastic) and help make some...

Missouri Update

Here is what has been going on in the state of Missouri the last few weeks. Lots of deliveries of all our liquid products, and finally the first delivery of a 15’ Rogue VT® to Shelby County on April 12. So far because of weather conditions, we have not had a lot of...

Spring Anhydrous Ammonia

It’s hard to believe we’ve already turned the calendar to the month of April, especially when one looks around and sees the small amount of field work that’s taken place up to this point across much of the corn belt. If I had to guess, I would say about 50% of the...

April is Here!

Wow, it is already the first day of April! Two days ago (Saturday) it was raining and there were some snow flakes mixed in. March going out like a “lion.” I guess? First, our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the flooding going on in the Midwest....

Record Snow Fall in Mid MO – John Viertel

As most all of us across the Midwest, I got out last Saturday morning to start digging out from the overnight snow storm. The picture of my truck was taken at about 10 a.m. Saturday morning and the depth of the snow on the tarp was at 8 inches. One hour later, after a...

New for 2019!!!

We have put a lot of thought and design to get true vertical tillage in the Rogue VT®, a machine that is not only versatile, but also simple to adjust and use. We were able to get a Rogue VT down to Missouri last fall for some limited field work and where we did run...

Manage Compaction and Residue with the Rogue VT

2018 is finally over! While for some growers 2018 brought good weather and a bountiful crop, there are those that feel relieved to move on to 2019 especially after a wetter than average fall. As the calendar roles into 2019 a concern amongst a lot of growers I’ve...

Finishing 2018…

2018 is finally behind us and to many it ended none too soon! As we head into 2019, there are several things to look forward to from Soil Service, Inc. First, the EPA finally cleared several our products for use with Xtendimax and Engenia herbicide chemistries. The...

Christmas 2018

With everything that has gone on this past year, we hope that you and your families can take time to enjoy the holiday season and prepare for the New Year. 2019 is going to bring new challenges to agriculture, and us at Soil Service, Inc. will be here to help you with...

Soybean Plot Harvest in Missouri – John Viertel

After a very dry summer, we have been getting some moisture in the form of rain for the last 2-3 weeks. Very welcome, even if it did slow harvest a little. On October 23, we finally harvested the Soil Health Study Field. We were pleasantly surprised with the results....

New Rogue VT in Missouri – John Viertel

Last week, the first SOIL Service, Inc. Rogue VT® vertical tillage tool came to Missouri. We were able to run it on the SOIL HEALTH STUDY field after the soybeans were harvested, right ahead of drilling wheat. We were very pleased with the job it did! There were some...

Iowa Harvest Update – Tony Gann

Harvest started out great this year. Around here we started the second week of September (which seems like an eternity ago) then the cold and rains hit. Since the rain, it has been a struggle to get the crops out, but from meeting and talking to several farmers, it...

Missouri Plot – John Viertel

Yesterday, we harvested the Missouri Corn Plot, and boy were we surprised! Corn was a lot better than ever could be expected, after the extremely dry summer we just experienced. The yields in this year’s plot, ranged from 194 to 220 bushels per acre. What I was...

Missouri Harvest – John Viertel

Harvest is underway in Missouri, and early results are coming in (as seen in the above screen shot). Even though we have been under extreme drought conditions here, it looks like the corn yields are going to be pretty good. This early report came from John Hansman in...

Attributes of Applying Fungicide – John Viertel

To say that it has been dry in my state, is an understatement! Today we are getting a bit of rain, and more is in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow. It is going to take 8 to 10 inches to get us back to normal and “bust” this year’s drought. Hope that it doesn’t...

Aerway Info – John Viertel

  These pictures were taken a few years ago, when we were having a dry spell in central Missouri. Not as dry as it has been this summer, but still dry. There is a lot of pasture in Missouri that is going to have some type of forage planted into it for fall and...

Assessing Your Nitrogen Management – Derek Porter

The corn crop in central Illinois is well past pollination with kernel fill now taking place. I love the period from tassel time to grain fill because the corn crop is telling us quite a bit about how well our fertility program is working, particularly as it pertains...

Clean Liberty Link Soybean Field – John Viertel

In an earlier posting, I showed a sprayer applying Liberty Herbicide to this field, using Soil Service, Inc. products with the Liberty Herbicide. The pictures showed the coverage on the beans and on the weeds. Well, I got time to finally get back to that field, and as...

It Doesn’t Matter what Color – John Viertel

  So, July is here (and it has been hot here in Central Missouri), the wheat harvest is all but wrapped up, after wheat beans have been hustled in, and post emerge spraying is winding down. Now what’s next? Time to start thinking about harvest? In two months I’m...

Foliar Opp on Missouri Beans – John Viertel

          As seen in the pictures, we sprayed some Liberty Link Soybeans last Friday. I wanted to share these, because there was a 10 to 12 mph breeze (hot and very dry breeze here in Central Missouri). There was an excellent spray pattern and...

Return on Investment using Sugar E-Boost – John Viertel

Here are comparisons that we have compiled from the previous two years using SUGAR E-BOOST when foliar feeding. The ROI is impressive! For a 94 cent per acre investment, you could include SUGAR E-BOOST with your herbicide application. SUGAR E-BOOST provides energy to...

IL Corn Plot Update – Tony Gann

Seems like we jumped straight from winter to summer! With this heat, the corn has really jumped up there and the beans are progressing nicely. Now all we need is rain to continue what looks like to be a good start to the 2018 crop. Here at Soil Service, Inc. we have...

Missouri Update – John Viertel

Soybeans are really coming on in Central Missouri! As we get into June, there are going to be several things that that are going to be addressed in the coming days. One of those will be applying foliar fertilizer to the soybeans at the proper time, and there are two...

IL Corn Plot Update – Derek Porter

As we turn the calendar to June, some of the differences in our starter fertilizer plots are becoming evident. As most who use starter fertilizer can attest too, the plants with starter fertilizer tend to show more growth early on compared to where no starter has been...