It is now one year since the last blog on foliar feeding (check out that blog from last year) and a lot has been going on through out the world. There are some things in short supply, especially in the tech field. Commodity prices have the experts baffled. And...
Ag Chemicals
Rolled Cereal Rye Field on 7/16/19 – John Viertel
Jul 30, 2019
Rolled Cereal Rye field on July 16, 2019 This is a general picture of the Rolled Cereal Rye field that we rolled and planted on June 4. There were no herbicides applied before or after planting. We depended on the mat of residue to help hold down the weeds until it...
Crop Progress in Central Illinois – Derek Porter
Jun 14, 2019
What a difference last week made in the planting progress here in Central Illinois and across many areas of the corn belt. Much of the corn in my area has been planted with a slug of beans being put in the ground much of last week through this week. Unfortunately,...
Nutrapathic™ Soil Restore and Nutrapathic™ Liquid Bacteria Concentrate
May 6, 2019
Nutrapathic™ Soil Restore and Nutrapathic™ Liquid Bacteria Concentrate There are more and more companies in the agriculture field, not to mention the horticulture and organic fields, who are developing and marketing biological products to help build soil health,...
The Benefits of using Landoil, Soil Boost Plus, and Soil Boost Extreme – John Viertel
Feb 6, 2019
I can’t believe that it is the first week of February 2019 already. The first of April is only seven weeks away! Looks like right now it could be wet going into planting season this year here in Missouri. If you remember, last year it was cool and very dry when...
Missouri Harvest – John Viertel
Sep 7, 2018
Harvest is underway in Missouri, and early results are coming in (as seen in the above screen shot). Even though we have been under extreme drought conditions here, it looks like the corn yields are going to be pretty good. This early report came from John Hansman in...
Attributes of Applying Fungicide – John Viertel
Aug 15, 2018
To say that it has been dry in my state, is an understatement! Today we are getting a bit of rain, and more is in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow. It is going to take 8 to 10 inches to get us back to normal and “bust” this year’s drought. Hope that it doesn’t...
Clean Liberty Link Soybean Field – John Viertel
Jul 18, 2018
In an earlier posting, I showed a sprayer applying Liberty Herbicide to this field, using Soil Service, Inc. products with the Liberty Herbicide. The pictures showed the coverage on the beans and on the weeds. Well, I got time to finally get back to that field, and as...
No-Till Soybeans with and without Crop Choice Fertilizer – John Viertel
Jul 3, 2018
These pictures are from the same field, but it is split by a waterway. The field on left is to the north(with Crop Choice), field on the right is south of the waterway(without Crop Choice). I have had several calls in the last week about yellow soybeans. All...
Foliar Opp on Missouri Beans – John Viertel
Jun 18, 2018
As seen in the pictures, we sprayed some Liberty Link Soybeans last Friday. I wanted to share these, because there was a 10 to 12 mph breeze (hot and very dry breeze here in Central Missouri). There was an excellent spray pattern and...
Missouri Update – John Viertel
Jun 5, 2018
Soybeans are really coming on in Central Missouri! As we get into June, there are going to be several things that that are going to be addressed in the coming days. One of those will be applying foliar fertilizer to the soybeans at the proper time, and there are two...
Missouri Plot Update – John Viertel
Apr 25, 2018
It's middle of afternoon on a fantasticly beautiful day in late april. We just finished planting a corn starter fertilizer plot, comparing 3-18-18-1, zinc, sugar e-boost, along with liquid bacteria concentrate, and soil restored. Sugar E-BOOST has been shown a good...
Spraying Roundup in Cold Weather – Derek Porter
Apr 23, 2018
Here in Central Illinois, the temperature outlook through the end of April has high’s in the 60’s with low’s dipping down to the mid 40’s to high 30’s. When the overnight low temperature dips down below 50 two days before or two days after application, the...
Burndown Options Ahead of Soybeans – Derek Porter
Apr 23, 2018
What are your options for a burndown ahead of soybeans? If you're planting dicamba tolerant soybeans, the answer is, more than likely, dicamba and if needed, roundup to control any early season grasses. That was my second favorite aspect of dicamba...
Burn Down Options in Corn – Derek Porter
Apr 17, 2018
So much for an early spring! Even though the calendar shows it's April, mother nature appears to be stuck in January. Spring will eventually get here at some point, and its important to take this time to insure you have everything you need when planting arrives. At...
Fungicide Application Tips for 2016
May 17, 2016
For the most part, corn planting is finished in West-Central Illinois, Eastern Iowa and Northeastern Missouri. Now it’s time to think about protecting that investment with fungicide applications. As I’m writing this, corn for October delivery is $3.52 to the river. That certainly makes finances tight, and we must evaluate the economics of everything we do more closely. It’s critical to do everything possible to increase per acre profit. Fungicide is one product that you can use to increase that per acre profit with very little effort.
Corn Crop 2016: Advice from John Viertel
May 1, 2016
WOW! In all my years of traveling the state of Missouri during the month of April, I don’t think that I have ever seen the corn crop go in the ground faster or under more ideal conditions than it did this year! After scouting some fields on April 28, the newly emerged plants look excellent. One field was almost in the V-2 stage, and there are probably some fields in Missouri that are further along than that. Emergence and population were virtually perfect. Weed control – excellent!
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