I returned to John Hansman’s last week to deliver some more Foliar Opp for soybeans. The field below had Foliar Opp applied prior (at about the V-4 stage). Looking back at a previous blog, this was a field where there was concern over the population, after all the extreme rain we received in April. Yes, there were some areas in the field that were patched in, and this is what the field looks like today.
Local cash price for new crop soybeans is $9.30 this morning. At this price, it only takes a two bushel per acre increase to pay for the Foliar Opp. History has shown that we can get anywhere from a 5 to 10 bushel per acre yield bump when Foliar Opp is applied.
If you are interested in foliar feeding your soybeans, NOW is the time to contact us to get yours ordered and delivered. V-4 up to V-6 is the first window for application, with the second window coming at the R-1 stage. Foliar Opp can be applied with your herbicide and or your fungicide program.