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Spraying Roundup in Cold Weather – Derek Porter

Here in Central Illinois, the temperature outlook through the end of April has high’s in the 60’s with low’s dipping down to the mid 40’s to high 30’s. When the overnight low temperature dips down below 50 two days before or two days after application, the...

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Burndown Options Ahead of Soybeans – Derek Porter

                What are your options for a burndown ahead of soybeans? If you're planting dicamba tolerant soybeans, the answer is, more than likely, dicamba and if needed, roundup to control any early season grasses. That was my second favorite aspect of dicamba...

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Missouri Planting – John Viertel

Planting finally started! Last Saturday, I got to the field where this set of Yetter Poly Spiked Closing Wheels were being used to compare to the regular rubber closing wheels. The conditions were very good for planting in this conventional tilled field, so there was...

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Burn Down Options in Corn – Derek Porter

So much for an early spring! Even though the calendar shows it's April, mother nature appears to be stuck in January. Spring will eventually get here at some point, and its important to take this time to insure you have everything you need when planting arrives. At...

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Missouri Plot – John Viertel

Since 2012, we have been working on a thirty-acre field in central Missouri that we have designated as the Soil Health Study. This field was taken out of grass pasture for a soybean, corn, and wheat rotation. The only tillage used has been with the Aerway/Salford...

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