On July 18, 2019, we moved the 15-foot Rogue VT® to Lebanon for a rental. Had some weed pressure (Marestail that round up did not kill). This field was going to take two passes to get in shape to plant, but it was doing a great job! The customer is probably going to rotary mow the other fields before working them.
A forage is to be planted after the Rogue VT has gotten the fields in shape, then this fall a grass mixture is to be planted for hay crops. We will keep updated on how everything looks, but the job this versatile vertical tillage tool was doing while I was there was fantastic!
We set the tines to the most aggressive 10 degree setting for the first pass. The second pass was done at 2.5 degrees.
My contact info: jviertel@soilserviceinc.com or 573-680-6951 (call or text)
Soil Service, Inc office: info@soilserviceinc.com or 888-313-2360
John Viertel