If you missed the SOIL SERVICE, INC field days last week, you really missed out on a lot of great information. Of course the corn and beans looked awesome in the plots, and there will be lots of data to go through after harvest this fall. However, the information given by our presenters was equally as awesome, and seamless. From the Ag Leader presentation all the way through the Yetter presentation, we were showing producers how they can save money on their inputs for next year, how they could manage residue this fall, and what products, including management tips, that could be used to accomplish these things.
One of the most impressive ideas that I saw, was the 5000 Stalk Devastator from Yetter (pictured above) Now you can protect your tires from premature wear from running over stalks (combine, tractor, truck), and preserve the stalk residue while crushing the stalks to facilitate quicker residue breakdown. The kits fit most corn heads and are easy to install. The head will also still fit on most OEM header cart trailers after the Stalk Devastator is installed.
We have two kits to fit JD corn heads in stock, others can be ordered and probably be ready by the end of September. If you are interested and want additional information, check out our web site or the Yetter web site.
If you are in Missouri and have more interest, call or email me.