The pictures above are from our Crop Choice Soybean Starter Fertilizer plot in Central Missouri. They are no-till planted in 30 inch rows after corn in 2013, with a cereal rye cover crop that was pastured heavily this past spring. The plot was planted on May 12, 2014 after a burn down application of Buccaneer and Authority (using SO-IL Boost Plus and Landoil), then the whole field was treated with 24 ounces of SO-IL Boost Plus, 32 ounces of Landoil, 32 ounces of Slow Release Nitrogen, 32 ounces of Liberty Herbicide (because some of the few weeds present were greater than 4 inches tall), and 2 gallons of FOLIAR OPP for soybeans, applied at the V-5 soybean stage. This program worked very well again this year, weed control was excellent.
The starter fertilizer plot was planted to see how our 3 gallon rate of 3-18-18-1 which included 1 pint each of Manganese, Calcium, and Zinc performed. As you can see from the results below, the program did very well.
No Starter – average of two strips – 65 bushels per acre
Starter program – average of 3 strips – 70.4 bushels per acre
That is an increase of 5.4 bushels per acre! With soybeans selling for $9 per bushel, that is an increase of $48.60 per acre!!
The starter program is $28.81 per acre, so that is a net increase of $19.79 per acre!
That is a really nice return on investment.
These are pictures of our no-till Round Up Ready soybean field, no-tilled into fescue pasture that was burnt down with Buccaneer and Authority herbicides, of course SO-IL Boost Plus and Landoil were included. The beans were planted in 15 inch rows May 26, 2014 with no starter applied. At the V-4 stage they were posted with the following program: 16 ounces of SO-IL Boost Plus, 32 ounces of Landoil, 32 ounces of slow release nitrogen, 32 ounces of Buccaneer, and 2 ounces of Cadet. The field was absolutely free of weeds at harvest as you can see from the pictures.
Because we get so many questions about including FOLIAR OPP for soybeans in the glyphosate herbicide application, we included 2 gallons per acre of FOLIAR OPP in the post mix. Then, 2 weeks later, we came back with an application of 2 gallons per acre of Foliar Opp (SO-IL Boost Plus & Landoil included) to a section of the field. Results:
No FOLIAR OPP – 64.9 bushels per acre
FOLIAR OPP /w post – 68.7 bushels per acre
FOLIAR OPP 2 wks later – 73.4 bushels per acre
We have always seen an inconsistent advantage to mixing FOLIAR OPP with the glyphosate because of the way the soybean reacts to the herbicide. That is why the recommendation is to wait 10-14 days after the herbicide application to apply the FOLIAR OPP to the soybeans. Does it pay to wait?
FOLIAR OPP, SO-IL Boost Plus, & Landoil w/ application cost of $6/a = $25.56/acre
FOLIAR OPP 2 weeks after post application was 8.5 bpa better than no FOLIAR OPP. That is an increase of $76.50/acre @ $9/bushel beans. Subtract the $25.56, gives you a net increase of $50.94 per acre by waiting and making a separate trip to foliar feed the soybean crop!
Adding the FOLIAR OPP to the post herbicide application (no application charge here), only nets $8.64 per acre.
Waiting 2 weeks to apply FOLIAR OPP, nets $16.74 (including application charge).
Can you get results like this every year, that’s hard to say because we had some extraordinary conditions this year, however, with probably more acres of soybeans being planted next year, every management tool at your disposal should be utilized.
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