It is dry here in Central Missouri, but the corn is up, and soybeans are going into the ground at a record pace. It seems that we have gone from a long winter, right into summer as the temps have been in the low to mid-eighties for several days. One of our neighbors stopped at my warehouse this morning to see what we have been using for a burndown on our cereal rye cover crop. He was not satisfied with the results of his burndown this year, and by having it custom sprayed, did not use SOIL BOOST PLUS or LANDOIL with the herbicide mix. He thought he may have to have it resprayed – ouch.
Since we are so dry here, even the growing cover crops are under stress. That, coupled with the lower than average night time temperatures when the burndown was applied, caused the plants not take in the herbicide as well. Two of the benefits of using SOIL BOOST PLUS and LANDOIL with herbicide application are that by working together they help get the herbicides absorbed into the target plants, and then translocated in the plant, helping the herbicide do it’s job of killing those the target plants.
John Viertel