Foliar Opp Beans, Corn, & Sugar E-Boost – John Viertel

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Foliar Opp Beans, Corn, & Sugar E-Boost – John Viertel

Middle of June already! In the last week I have seen corn finished being planted and beans going in the ground at a very brisk pace.

There are going to be a lot of decisions made in the next two weeks of how to manage these late crops. The biggest decision is going to be how to boost yield. One of the best ways that we can recommend, is to foliar feed at the same time you are applying your post herbicide, saving a trip over the field.

Timing is the most important factor when applying a foliar fertilizer. V-3 to V-5 ideal for soybeans.  This stage will come very quickly planting into the warm soil and good moisture conditions.

Over the past decade, the results of foliar feeding with Foliar Opp® have been very consistent in providing a five plus bushel per acre yield bump. Foliar Opp will help the bean plant put on more blossoms and retain those blossoms, resulting in more pods and more beans in the bin. With the “MFP” looming, more bushels mean a better MFP payment. In this scenario, it only takes a yield increase of two bushels per acre to pay for the Foliar Opp.

The other thing that we have seen increasing the activity of the foliar feed, is to add one pint per acre of Sugar E-Boost® to the mix. This will give the plants more energy, thus they are able to process the foliar feeding much better, utilizing the foliar fertilizer throughout the plant. When you have a healthy well fed plant, it will be able to increase its root mass, taking in more nutrients from the soil, along with moisture, helping that plant to handle late season moisture stress. All this will add up to a better yield.

If you have any questions about foliar feeding, contact us, we will be glad to answer any questions, and help you get started with a foliar feeding program.

My contact info: or 573-680-6951 (call or text)

Soil Service, Inc office: or 888-313-2360

Have a safe and productive planting season!

John Viertel